Penjabat Gubernur Riau Dr. Rahman Hadi, M.Si diwakili Kepala Badan Penghubung Provinsi Riau Ridho Adriansyah menghadiri acara Galadinner Gebyar Kebangsaan, Minggu malam 25/08/2024. Bertempat di Anjungan Riau TMII.
Gebyar Kebagsaan ini diisi dengan kegiatan Festival Tari, Lomba Mewarnai dan Senam Kebangsaan.
Malam Puncak Gebyar Kebangsaan dihadiri oleh Direktur Utama TMII Intan Ayu Kartika, Anggota DPRD Provinsi Riau Septina Primawati, Dirjen Polpum dan Sekjen PMRJ (Persatuan Masyarakat Riau Jakarta) Suhada serta Ketua LAM Riau Perwakilan Jakarta Munasir.
Acara dimeriahkan dengan Penampilan Tari dari Daerah Lampung, DKI Jakarta dan Sukabumi ditutup dengan Pemberian Hadiah bagi Pemenang mewarnai Gambar tingkat PUD dan TK.
Acting Governor of Riau Dr. Rahman Hadi, M.Si represented by the Head of Riau Provincial Representative Office, Ridho Adriansyah, attended the Gebyar Kebangsaan Gala Dinner on Sunday evening, August 25, 2024, at Riau Pavillion (Anjungan Riau) TMII.
On Sunday evening, August 25, 2024, at Anjungan Riau TMII, the Acting Governor of Riau attended the Gebyar Kebangsaan Gala Dinner, represented by Ridho Adriansyah, Head of Riau Provincial Representative Office.
There were national gymnastics, coloring contests, and dancing festivals during the Nationality Gebyar.
Ayu Kartika, the president of Tanan Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), Septina Primawati, a member of the Riau Provincial Legislative Council (DPRD), Suhada, the secretary general of the Riau Community Association in Jakarta (PMRJ) and director of politics and general government, and Munasir, the chairman of the Riau Customary Institute (LAM) Jakarta Representative, were among those present at the dinner.
The event closed with the prize distribution for the Early Childhood Education (PAUD) and Kindergarten (TK) coloring picture winners. Lampung, DKI Jakarta, and Sukabumi provided lively dance performances to enhance the event. (SM)